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Tampere Chamber Music ja Tomaatteja! Tomaatteja! stand up -festivaali avaavat Pirkanmaan festivaalivuoden 2025.
The 55th Tampere Film Festival will be held 5–9 March 2025. The first programme announcement presents local collaborations.
The Pispala Schottische event family gets a new member as the folk dance event Tanssimania merges with the showcase event Tanssimylly 4–6 April 2025.
This year, the Tampere Jazz Happening – organised during the weekend of All Saints’…
The rush of the summer festival season has passed, but no matter how dark…
Summer just flies by with all the events in Tampere region. And while autumn…
The summer’s event season in Tampere region starts this…
The summer of Tampere Region Festivals is well on the way!
The summer season starts with contemporary dance, classical guitar, and poetry festivals.
The spring season is a celebration of short films, comics, and modern art music.
The project supports the local festivals’ return to international markets through marketing and internationalization…
Summer 2023 is full of fascinating events around Tampere Region – see the full festival list here!